Découvrez ici tous les tutoriels que nous réalisons pour des outils qui vous feront gagner du temps dans votre activité de recherche.

Identify journals to publish your work
How to identify the best journals to publish your work?

Launch a search in the resources of the Ecole des Ponts from Zotero, Mendeley etc…
Discover how to start a search from a reference registered in a reference management software to check if the full text of the reference is available via the resources subscribed by the Ecole des Ponts.

Make a list of HAL records from a research unit by document type
You want to find in one click all the HAL records of your laboratory by document type? These queries will help you...

Reference Management Software
To learn everything you need to know about reference management software, choose the right package and learn to use it.

Researcher identifiers
ORCID, IdHAL, ResearcherID etc.... To know everything about researcher identifiers. a tool to facilitate the organisation of events is a fully customizable web tool that facilitates the organization of scientific meetings by taking charge of all aspects related to the event, from the selection of contributions to the editing of proceedings, through the management of registrations and the planning of communications.

Some essential extensions to optimize your web browser
Here are some bookmarks and extensions to add to your browser so you never run out of resources!
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