Your referring librarian
If you want to request an acquisition, contact who will pass on the information to the Documentation Department.
Journal selection :

Built environment (
from 2003 and laboratory paper subscription)

Espaces (laboratory paper subscription)

Espaces et sociétés (from 1970 at La Source et
from 1990 online)

European journal of transport and infrastructure research (
from 2000)

European urban and regional studies (
from 1994)

Flottes automobiles (laboratory paper subscription)

International Journal for Traffic and Transport Engineering (IJTTE) (
from 2011)

International journal of urban and regional research (IJURR) (
from 1977)

Journal of transport economics and policy (1978-2014 at La Source et
from 2001 online)

Journal of urban planning and development (1983-2015 at La Source et
from 1983 online)

Journal of Transportation Engineering (1983-2015 at La Source et
from 1983 online)

Population et Avenir (
from 2005 and laboratory paper subscription)

Transport public (1981-2017)

Transport reviews (1991-2010 at La Source et
from 1999 online with a 18-month moving wall

Transportation Research Record (1974-1997 at La Source et
from 1999 en ligne)

Transportation research. Part A, General (
1979-1991 at La Source and online)

Transportation research. Part A, Policy and Practice (1992-2011 at La Source and online
from 1992)

Transportation research. Part B, Methodological (1979-2011 at La Source and online
from 1979)

Transportation research. Part C, Emerging Technologies (1993-2011 at La Source and online
from 1993)

Transportation research. Part D, Transport and Environment (
from 1996)

Transportation research. Part E, Logistics and Transportation review (
from 1997)

Transportation research. Part F, Traffic Psychology and Behaviour (
from 1998)

Transports (1965-2011), Transports Infrastructures & Mobilite (TI&M) : laboratory paper subscription

Review of urban and regional development studies (
from 1989)

La Revue générale des chemins de fer (from 1924 at La Source)

Urban Geography (
from 1980 online and laboratory paper subscription)

Ville, rail & transports (à partir de 2009 at La Source and laboratory paper subscription)
Ebook selection :
Megacities, A. Sorensen, J. Okata (Eds.), Springer, 2011
Document collection
All LVMT staff (researchers, PhD candidates, postdocs, interns and administrative staff) have access to this collection (as well as to La Source library).
Given that LVMT document collection is located in one of the La Source library storerooms, to obtain a document you can either go to the library reception (before 5 p.m. if requesting titles kept in the storeroom) or send an email to, specifying at least the document’s title and call number.
Loans are registered at the La Source library reception on presentation of a reader’s card (École des Ponts badge, UPE card for PhD candidates, or card provided on application to Delphine Du Pasquier). Every researcher, PhD candidate or intern at the laboratory can borrow up to 30 documents from LVMT for 180 days (La Source library: up to 10 documents for a period of one month). A loan can be renewed once.