Underline the researchers names of a particular lab in a bibliography
Sometimes authors of reports are asked to underline the names of researchers in their labs to make it easier to identify them in a long bibliography. Tedious? Not anymore...
A Word macro was developed by the Commission Information Scientifique et Technique d’Agropolis International. To save time and effort, we invite you to download:


Then follow these 7 steps to enjoy this tool in no time:
  1. Make a Word file with a list of the authors you want to highlight.
  2. Organize it as a table with a single column, with one author per cell, respecting the form and style that the author name will have in the bibliography: position of surname and first name, separator (symbol, space)
  3. Make a file with the bibliography
  4. Open the Word document “macro pour souligner auteurs dans biblio word.docm
  5. Start the macro “SoulignerAuteurs
  6. First window: specify the file with the list of authors
  7. Second window: specify the file with the references list
  8. Enjoy!

Obviously, it doesn't work only with authors' names in bibliographies, many other applications are possible...

Source : Souligner les auteurs d'une UR dans une liste de publications, Dominique Fournier (INRA) & Marie-Christine Lambert (CIRAD) – 12/02/13 - online, accessed 22/11/13