Your referring librarian
Journal selection :

Document collection

Access and loan/return procedures
All LATTS staff (researchers, PhD candidates, postdocs, interns and administrative staff) have access to the LATTS library, which is located in room B235 in the Bienvenüe building (as well as to the La Source library). You can borrow 30 publications for 6 months from the laboratory library and up to 10 publications for 1 month from La Source Library. A loan can be renewed once.
The most recent numbers of periodicals placed on the display stand are not available for loan. Previous numbers, filed in the display stands, can be borrowed. Journals more than two years old are kept in the storerooms in La Source library. To read and/or borrow them, contact the La Source library reception directly.
All loans and returns in the laboratory library must be registered with the following address: All you need to provide is the barcode of the document (RLxxxx) and the title.
To return them, place documents belonging to the LATTS collection in the “Documentation” box in room C201 or in the “retour d’ouvrages” (book returns) box in the LATTS library.
Documents borrowed for you through the document supply service are placed directly in your locker or at reception in La Source library for the Bois de l’Étang team. After use, these documents should be placed in the “Documentation” box in room C201.
Adding to the document collections
To add to the laboratory’s document collection, please send us your suggestions for acquisitions of using the dedicated form: