Science Outreach and Publishing
Our Library can help you foster your research and publishing projects

Science outreach

Would you consider disseminating your research to a wider audience, we could provide you with several options suiting your priorities and goals:

  • Article writing, podcast recording or video creation for Ingenius, the digital science outreach platform of the École nationale des ponts et chaussées,
  • Showcasing your research via public meetings, conferences, exhibitions, workshops, laboratory tours, eg. during the Fête de la science, a nationwide science event,
  • Sharing you passion for science, inspiring vocations and figthing fake news by working directly with youg people in schools.

We can support you at each step of your project.

  Click here to access Ingenius

  Click here to find more about our outreach activities


The publishing program of the École nationale des ponts et chaussées was launched on 2018 and is in line with its mission to disseminate knowledge. If you have a publishing project (monograph, collective work, textbook, popular science book, fine book…), we can work with you at all stages of the book editing:

  • Producing the book up to the press proof,
  • Proofreading the manuscript, ensuring clarity and quality of the text,
  • Copyright and personality rights,
  • Promoting your book to a wider audience via Ingenius, our digital science outreach platform.

   Click here to access the journal Transitions


Adèle Mazurek

  • Head of web projects and science outreach
  • +33 (0)1 64 15 38 19

Pierrine Malette

  • Publisher
  • +33 (0)1 64 15 33 55